Wednesday 22 April 2020


Class 4 GK
Complete and BH


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Chapter 1 - Input and Output Devices
2. Chapter 1 Lesson explanation Part 2
3. Input and Output devices Part 3

Chapter 2 - Computer Memory

Chapter 3 - About Windows 10

Chapter 4 - Introduction to Word

Chapter 5 - Formatting in Word

Friday 17 April 2020

Hindi I

Hindi I
Read the poem
Write and B.H. Lesson 1
Write and BH lesson 1
BH word meaning lesson 2
Write and BH Lesson 2
Do the HW Lesson 2
Write and BH lesson 2
Read lesson 3
Write and BH word meaning
Do the HW lesson 3

Social Science

India Our Mother Land
Chapter 2 - The northern Mountains
Exercise and answers chapter 2

Chapter 3 Lesson explanation
Lesson Explanation

Wednesday 15 April 2020


Read the lesson and BH the points

1. Find out the answers:-
a) Habitat
b) Adaptation
c) Terrestrial plant & animal.
d) Marshy area.
e) Aquatic plants.
Find out the following answers:-
a) write the characteristics of plants on hilly and mountainians area?
b) Why plain regions are coverd with dense forest?
c) what is evergreen forests? Write the charactistcs of it.
d) In how many parts aquatic plants are divided. Explain.

Try to find out the answers.